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or homeowners in Connecticut, the option to switch to solar energy is not only viable but also increasingly rewarding. The state provides a variety of perks designed to facilitate this transition, making it an attractive investment. In this article, we will explore all the incentives available and how they can benefit you. By delving into the specifics, you'll gain a clear understanding of the opportunities that lie in the realm of solar energy.

The Shift to Solar Power in Connecticut

Connecticut may be the third smallest state by area in the US, but when it comes to embracing solar photovoltaic (PV) energy, it punches well above its weight. With a ranking of 22nd in the nation for solar installed, the state boasts an impressive 1,278 MW of PV capacity. This feat marks a significant leap in PV adoption, underlining its commitment to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

The Constitution State's success story lies not in its solar capacity alone but in its ability to make this clean energy an affordable and accessible option for homeowners. The comprehensive array of solar incentives, which will be discussed in depth later, is a testament to this commitment.

It's true that the cost per watt for solar in Connecticut stands at $3.23, marginally higher than the national average of $2.95. However, this shouldn't deter potential users. Why? The answer is simple. Connecticut residents generally have lower energy needs, meaning a 7-kW system will suffice compared to the national average of 8.67 kW. This makes photovoltaics a more viable option despite the higher cost per watt.

Considering the price per watt, the total cost for solar in Connecticut is around $20,650, but it can drop to $14,455 after accounting for the 30% federal investment tax credit. By making the switch, homeowners can potentially wipe out their electricity bills, translating to annual savings of approximately $3,400. These savings offer a swift return on investment, making the transition a financially savvy decision.

Considering that 74% of CT buildings are suitable for photovoltaic installations, the odds are in your favor that your home can harness the solar power of the sun and enjoy the benefits.

Unwrapping the CT Incentives and Rebates

As solar energy gains popularity in CT, it's essential to understand the array of programs available to homeowners looking to transition to it. This section will dissect some of the main Connecticut solar incentives.

Federal Investment Tax Credits

First on our list is the federal investment tax credit (ITC), which is available nationwide. This credit is a game-changer for homeowners contemplating the switch to PV energy. Essentially, the ITC allows you to deduct 30% of the cost of installing a photovoltaic system from your federal taxes. This means that if you spend $20,000 on installing PV panels, you're eligible for a $6,000 tax credit. This significant reduction in cost makes solar energy a financially viable option for many homeowners.

It's worth noting that there's no cap on this tax credit, and it will maintain a 30% rate until the end of 2032. Subsequently, it will step down to 26% in 2033, then 22% in 2034, and eventually come to an end in 2035.

Property Tax Exemption

Connecticut ranks high for its property taxes, going beyond 2% in certain regions within the state. Nonetheless, there's a compelling incentive for homeowners - if you opt for photovoltaics, you'll receive a property tax exemption. In simple terms, the increased value of your home due to a photovoltaic system won't be taxed.

Sales and Use Tax Exemption

Another advantage in CT is the sales and use tax exemption. Designed to give you an immediate boost on your solar journey, this tax break reduces your project costs by a substantial 6.35%. If you're setting up a home photovoltaic system for $20,000, the tax exemption can net you a considerable saving of $1,270 in sales and use taxes alone.

To make sure you benefit from this exemption, present Form CERT-140 at the point of purchase. This form is conveniently available for download on the Connecticut Department of Revenue Services website.

Green Bank Residential Solar Rebate Program

Connecticut Green Bank Residential Solar Investment Program (RSIP) ensures both owners and lessees get their share of the sunshine profits. If you're a homeowner pondering buying PV panels, the RSIP Connecticut solar rebate offers a substantial reduction of $0.426 per installed watt, calculated based on your system size. This significant cost reduction can make PV ownership a lot more attractive and affordable.

Solar perks for multifamily homes, lower energy bills, environmental benefits, and increased property value. Go green and save!

Alternatively, if leasing a photovoltaic system suits your needs better, RSIP has a deal for you too. You're eligible to receive a compensation of $0.30 per kilowatt hour generated.

Green Bank Solar for All Program

Part of the broader RSIP program, the Green Bank Solar for All Program paves the way for eligible low-income households to harness the power of the sun. The program works via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) that provides eligible households with PV energy at a preferential rate. This ensures that clean power is within reach for everyone.

RES program

Starting on January 1st, 2022, Connecticut traded its old net metering program for a new system, the Residential Renewable Energy Solutions (RES) Program. In essence, this program comes with the same benefits as net metering, providing credits to individuals who supply surplus electricity back to the grid.

Over five years, starting in 2022, customers of UI and Eversource are to pick between the "Netting Tariff" and "Buy All Tariff," which will be valid for 20 years. Most homeowners incline towards the "Netting Tariff" as it compensates them with monthly bill credits. Meanwhile, the "Buy All Tariff" is attractive to solar companies for its straightforward approach to PPA savings.

Benefits of Solar in The Constitution State

As a homeowner in the beautiful state of Connecticut, harnessing the sun’s power presents an enticing list of advantages worth considering. Here's a breakdown of the key benefits:

  • Pocket-Friendly Power: Solar energy not only brightens your home but also your budget. By becoming your own power producer, you can significantly slash your monthly utility expenses - a truly compelling benefit, especially in Connecticut, known for its towering energy costs.
  • Boost in Property Value: Infusing clean power into your home can be a game changer for its market appeal. Houses boasting PV systems often witness a surge in their market value. As the world tilts towards sustainability, potential homebuyers are increasingly drawn to houses equipped with photovoltaic panels.
  • Positive Environmental Impact: Opting for solar energy extends benefits beyond your home boundaries to the entire planet. The sun’s power, a renewable and clean energy source, significantly curtails carbon emissions. Each kilowatt-hour your panels generate is a step away from fossil fuel dependency, marching towards a greener, more sustainable world.

Final Thoughts: Why Connecticut Homeowners Should Embrace Solar

As we wrap up, it's clear that Connecticut solar energy landscape offers a bright opportunity for homeowners to invest in an affordable and sustainable energy source. The rich array of CT incentives significantly reduces the cost of installation, making it a financially astute decision. The shift to photovoltaics offers homeowners a way to drastically cut their energy costs, increase their property value, and contribute to a sustainable future. If you're a Connecticut homeowner, the solar pathway is well-paved for you to embark on an energy journey that will pay dividends for years to come.


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Aug 7, 2023
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