Solar Panels For Home

Solar News

The Problem with Solar Panels Shade and How to Tackle It

Don't let shade rob your solar panels of their power. Read on for tips on how to keep them soaking up the sun and producing energy at their maximum potential.
Solar News

Everything You Need to Know About Installing Solar Panels on Flat Roof

Solar panels on flat roofs? Yes, it's possible! Check out this comprehensive guide to learn everything you need to know about this type of installation and more.
Solar News

DIY Solar Project: Harnessing the Sun with Solar Powered Projects

This article is about Solar DIY projects, including solar-powered phone chargers, garden lights, water heaters, and more. Learn how to harness the sun's energy for fun!
Solar News

Protecting Solar Panels From Hail

In the event of a severe weather episode, some damage may be caused to your solar panels. A strong hail storm can be dangerous, so how can you protect your solar equipment?
Solar News

How worried should I be about the potential solar panel fire?

Although solar PV fire incidents are rare, they are still a matter of public concern. Read to find out about the fire risk of solar systems and what we can do about it.
Solar News

Best Solar Panel Kits for Modern Living

Want to go solar without the hassle of dealing with installers and choosing individual components? Look no further than solar kits. Keep reading for the details.
Solar News

How to Install Solar Panels? Your Smooth Transition into Solar Energy

Going solar? Hats off to you! If the starting line seems elusive, our beginner’s guide to solar installation will shed some light on the process.
Solar News

Understanding Solar Industry Certifications

If you've been researching solar installers, you may have noticed their proud display of industry certifications. Find out why they matter in this article.