Solar Efficiency

Solar News

Solar FAQ: Simple FAQ Answers to Most Popular Questions on the Topic of Solar

Answers to common questions about solar panels, including types, costs and efficiency. Discover how solar panels can increase property value and reduce electricity bills.
Solar News

Why Solar Panel Temperature Really Matters

While many mistakenly believe hot climates are best suited for solar, heat actually makes PV panels less efficient. We explain exactly why and what we can do about it.
Solar News

Is the Solar Plus Storage Concept Truly Worthwhile?

Adding solar panels to your roof is a good idea, but why not kick it up a notch with battery storage? Learn about how it works and the pros and cons involved.
Solar News

Solar Panel Hail Protection: What Measures Can You Take?

While solar panels are tough, hail can still leave a mark. Learn about the potential damage and ways to safeguard your solar modules for the long run.
Solar News

The Problem with Solar Panels Shade and How to Tackle It

Don't let shade rob your solar panels of their power. Read on for tips on how to keep them soaking up the sun and producing energy at their maximum potential.
Solar News

Solar Panels on Commercial Buildings: Benefits of Solar Panels for Building Eco-Friendly Businesses

If you are a business owner, installing solar panels can be a long-term strategic decision for your company. Let's examine the pros and cons of solar for businesses.
Solar News

How long does it take until solar panels pay for themselves?

The upfront cost of going solar may seem steep, but the PV panels will pay for themselves over time. So how long does it take to break even with solar investment?
Solar News

Protecting Solar Panels From Hail

In the event of a severe weather episode, some damage may be caused to your solar panels. A strong hail storm can be dangerous, so how can you protect your solar equipment?