Key takeaways


he solar revolution is not a prophecy; it's a reality. In 2022, solar power maintained its position as the fastest-growing electricity source for the 18th consecutive year, with a staggering 24% year-on-year increase.

Solar Revolution: A Beacon of Future Energy

This phenomenal growth is no accident. As our awareness of the environmental impact deepens, the clean, sustainable, and abundant nature of solar energy becomes impossible to overlook. Just imagine, an average 400 W solar panel can produce 1.5 kWh per watt per year, offsetting a remarkable 510 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions!

But it's not just about saving the planet; solar power also makes economic sense. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) and onshore wind are already the most cost-effective options for new electricity generation in the majority of countries worldwide. A recent report from DNV, a major risk management company, predicts that by 2050, solar PV will reign supreme as the most affordable source of new electricity on a global scale.

Solar: A Journey Through Time

The history of solar energy can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, who built their homes to get the most sunlight during the colder months. Centuries later, during the 7th century B.C., magnifying glasses were used to concentrate the sun's rays into a beam hot enough to start fires. Fast forward to the 19th century, French scientist Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, setting the foundation for modern solar energy.

However, it was only in 1954 that Bell Labs developed the first practical photovoltaic cell, converting sunlight directly into electricity. This breakthrough ignited a solar revolution, and in the subsequent decades, advancements in technology have made solar power more efficient, accessible, and affordable.

Solar in the 21st Century: What Changed in the Solar World?

As we entered the new millennium, solar energy underwent a radical transformation. With technology leaping forward, solar panels have become more effective and durable, leading to their mass adoption worldwide.

In the face of climate change, solar has emerged as an invaluable ally in our quest for renewable energy sources. Governments and corporations globally are increasingly investing in solar energy infrastructure, leading to a surge in homes and businesses powered by solar panels.

The future of solar energy looks brighter than ever as the world continues to harness the sun's power more effectively and sustainably. GE Solar offers a range of high-quality solar panels and energy solutions, contributing to the advancement of renewable energy technologies.

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Unpacking Solar Energy: The Science Behind Solar Systems

Solar energy, in its most basic form, is simply the transformation of sunlight into usable electricity. The heart of this process lies in photovoltaic solar cells – small semiconductor devices that absorb photons (light particles) and release electrons.

When sunlight strikes a solar panel, the photovoltaic cells spring into action. As they absorb photons, their electrons get excited and begin to move, creating an electric current. This Direct Current (DC) is then converted into Alternating Current (AC) through an inverter – the type of electricity our homes and businesses need.

Generac is a leading provider of backup power solutions, including solar and battery storage systems that ensure energy reliability.

What's Hot in Solar? Most Promising Solar Technologies

In recent years, the solar panel industry has witnessed significant breakthroughs in tech that have the potential to revolutionize the sector in the coming years.  Let's take a closer look at four notable developments that hold immense promise.

Perovskite Solar Cells

Perovskite Solar Cells
Perovskite Solar Cells

Perovskite solar cells are a groundbreaking type of solar tech that incorporates a compound with a perovskite crystal structure. These cells commonly use hybrid organic-inorganic materials based on lead or tin halides to capture and convert sunlight into electricity. What makes them truly exciting is their affordability and simplicity in manufacturing. Over the years, perovskite solar cells have made astounding progress, achieving remarkable efficiency gains. Starting at around 3% efficiency in 2009, they have now surpassed 25%. With the potential for even higher efficiencies and low production costs in the future, perovskite solar cells have become an incredibly enticing option in the commercial PV panel market.

Pyramidal Solar Lenses

Pyramidal Solar Lenses
Pyramidal Solar Lenses

Pyramidal solar lenses, also known as Axially Graded Index Lenses (AGILE), consist of small lenses arranged in a stack resembling inverted pyramids. While the concept of concentrating light for increased solar panel efficiency is not new, AGILE lenses take it a step further by significantly improving the performance of static solar panels, even in diffused light. In tests conducted by Stanford researchers, AGILE lenses were found to focus light three times more effectively while retaining an impressive 90% of the solar power. AGILE lenses consist of multiple layers made of different glasses and polymers, each bending incoming light to a unique degree.

Transparent Solar Panels

Transparent Solar Panels
Transparent Solar Panels

These panels selectively absorb infrared and ultraviolet light while allowing visible light to pass through unhindered. This remarkable feature makes them suitable for applications such as clear windows, touch screens, and even windshields. Although transparent solar panels may currently have lower efficiency compared to traditional monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar cells, their functional versatility opens up a world of possibilities. Imagine skyscrapers with solar-generating glass or smartphones with touchscreens that also harness solar power. Researchers are actively working to further advance this PV panel technology and make it commercially viable on a large scale.

Photovoltaic Solar Noise Barriers (PVNB)

Photovoltaic Solar Noise Barriers (PVNB)
Photovoltaic Solar Noise Barriers (PVNB)

Photovoltaic Solar Noise Barriers (PVNBs) represent a unique blend of sound mitigation and clean energy technologies. Designed to combat road noise pollution and generate electricity from sunlight, these barriers consist of a noise-dampening system equipped with a solar panel system. Strategically placed between noise sources and noise-sensitive areas, including hospitals, schools, and residential communities, PVNBs are effective shields that simultaneously reduce noise and produce renewable energy.

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Future Ready: More Solar Projections

Increased Solar Storage Capacity

The solar sector has witnessed a game-changing advancement with the remarkable strides in energy storage. In the past, the intermittent nature of solar power was a major hurdle, as it relied solely on the sun's presence. But now, thanks to cutting-edge battery systems and thermal storage, this limitation is rapidly becoming obsolete. These breakthroughs guarantee a steady energy supply, no matter the weather, elevating solar to a dependable and trustworthy source of energy.

Growing Role of Solar in the Transportation Sector

The transportation sector, a significant contributor to global carbon emissions, is also experiencing a solar transformation.  Solar power is stepping up to charge electric vehicles (EVs), driving the decarbonization of this industry. Carports fitted with solar panels, charging stations fueled by the sun, and even vehicles running on solar energy are making their mark. This fusion of solar and transportation is a crucial move towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Solar Becoming Cheaper Than Other Forms of Power Production

Perhaps the most impactful trend is the rapidly declining cost of solar. Thanks to technological advancements and economies of scale, solar energy is becoming cheaper than traditional forms of electricity production. The cost of solar panel systems has dropped drastically over the past decade, making solar energy an increasingly competitive and attractive option.

Ready to embrace solar energy in the Big Apple? Discover the possibilities with our comprehensive guide on Solar Energy in New York. Additionally, learn about the unique challenges and opportunities of solar energy in Hawaii, a state known for its commitment to renewable energy, in our article on Hawaii Solar Energy.

Summing Up: The Future of Solar is Burning Bright

As we conclude, it's evident that solar energy, with its bright potential and promising developments, is set to illuminate our path to a sustainable future. As we've seen, the exciting advancements in tech, the increased storage capacity, and the falling PV panel costs make it clear that solar power is stepping out from the shadows to become a dominant player in the global energy sector. With each stride we take on our solar journey, the future of solar energy gleams with extraordinary possibilities.

Generac is a leading provider of backup power solutions, including solar and battery storage systems that ensure energy reliability.

Interested in the future of solar energy in New York? Explore our comprehensive resource on Solar Energy in New York to understand how the state is paving the way for a sustainable energy future. Additionally, learn about the latest advancements and trends in solar energy technology in our article on Future Solar Energy.



Key takeaways

Embarking on the Solar Revolution: Tomorrow's Energy Unveiled

Solar Surge:

  • Solar power sees a rapid 24% YoY growth in 2022, offsetting 510 pounds of CO2 emissions annually with an average 400 W solar panel.


  • Utility-scale solar and onshore wind emerge as cost-effective electricity sources.
  • A DNV report predicts solar PV's dominance in affordability by 2050.


  • Solar's journey dates back to ancient Greek homes, with a pivotal moment in 1954 - the first practical photovoltaic cell.

Revolutionary Tech:

  • Perovskite solar cells hit 25% efficiency, transforming commercial PV markets.
  • Pyramidal solar lenses triple static panel efficiency, even in diffused light.
  • Transparent panels offer versatility.
  • Photovoltaic Solar Noise Barriers blend sound mitigation with clean energy.

Future Outlook:

  • Advanced storage eliminates solar power's intermittency.
  • Solar aids EV charging, reduces transportation emissions.
  • Declining costs bolster solar's competitiveness.

Bright Future:

  • Technological strides, enhanced storage, and cost reduction position solar as a dominant force in global energy.
Jul 10, 2023
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